
Showing posts from July, 2022

Hadoop Tutorial

        Introduction to Hadoop        HDFS Architecture              Rack awareness in Hadoop HDFS              What is block reporting in Hadoop hdfs?              What is an edge node in Hadoop?        Hadoop installation modes              Hadoop: Single Node Installation              Setup Hadoop using cloudera quick start vm                     Full screen mode is not working in virtual machine                    How to copy clip board content between a VirtualBox and my system                    How to create a shared folder between VirtualBox and my computer?        Hadoop File system commands              HDFS: Print list of all the commands              HDFS: What is the hdfs home directory for cloudera quick vm              Cannot create directory, Name node is in safe mode              copyFromLocal: copy multiple files from local system to HDFS                     Copy folder content from local file system to hdfs              cat : display contents of a file              a